You are making so many important points in this article.

»The discord between the internal struggles of medical professionals and the external demands placed on them mirrors our society's troubled relationship with nature.«


»addressing our health crisis requires a paradigm shift from a purely external medical model of dependency to one that incorporates spiritual, psychological, and integral health.This holistic vision could guide us toward solutions that heal not only the body but also nourish the soul and restore the collective spirit as well as support our relationship with nature. «

Yes, and YES!!

Our ‘health crisis’ is not a problem of individuals getting sick (as if our environment were perfectly healthy and conducive to making humans thrive). It is one of many expressions of a sick society.

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Love LoVE LOVE this!

Our ‘health crisis’ is not a problem of individuals getting sick (as if our environment were perfectly healthy and conducive to making humans thrive). It is one of many expressions of a sick society.

Thank you so much đŸ™đŸŸđŸ‘ŒđŸŸđŸ’š

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May 11·edited May 11Liked by Dr Syreeta Charles-Cole

Important article, which there is much to discuss.

There is indeed a health crisis; all the signs point to an end of the model that we have been using for the last 200 years or so, which tends to look at the body and mind as a machine. In addition, modern medicine is not so much curative as it is about control and management, as in managing hypertension, diabetes, pain, etc.

While A.I. might seem like a wonderful diagnostic tool, given that it is computer-based tech suggests that it will rely on the same old model with digital bells and whistles.

New wine in old wineskins. I doubt AI or computer tech will lead to better healthcare for individuals since it just magnifies the original problem.

What is needed is a more holistic approach of healing our minds and bodies, which are connected. This leads to a curative mindset. Maybe one day Big Pharma will be out of business.

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Your comments and feedback has really touched my heart. Thank you. đŸ™đŸŸ ❀I was really unsure of this post. Totally divided. My intuition has been pushing, driving me if you like, to write this post. My mind totally opposed.

I believe this post is not complete, and there is so much more to add. This is very much a first step towards new wisdom. I really appreciate your thoughtful feedback. Happy Saturday!

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Happy Saturday. I feel your intuition is right. There is so much more to add and discuss. 🕊🩜

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